The Sacred Stones • Book


This book began as a collaboration during the pandemic, in which I had the honour of participating with a linocut for the cover.

R. writes about that book:

"THE SACRED STONES is a new project that started on the pandemy times, recollecting photos of megalithic places I was visiting during the last 10 years, as a hobby now this project turns as a book with the idea to continuos to making more in future.

At the same time that we present this book we also opened a new IG account @_the.sacred.stones_ were will be the space to post things related with megalithic places, ancient sites, sacred temples etc
Also we are thinking to open our own youtube channel... lets see.

All the drawings are photos that we made at the places we visited, so we been there in person, we printed an amount of 100 copies at @czentrifuga and rest was made by our friends in basque country @imprenta_dortoka and in the end we finised with a gold print cover and gold embossing tittle over hard cover lined with brown fabric also the spine of the book we hand printed.

Cover was carved by our friend @beklaprintmaking and also we have included on the last page a draw by our friend @quorrquorr
Is a total of 58 pages, incluyed 48 illustration + another 8 engrabed ones.
17,5 x 24,5cm (6,8 x 9,6 inch)".